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No New Posts Police Station - 1 Viewing

If you have something you need to report or are in trouble this is were you will end up. Its a decent size jail that has just been remolded to hold twice as many men and well equipped for the ones who think they can break out. If you are put in the jail and convicted you will be transfered to the prison or correction center.

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by Administrator
Feb 12, 2009 19:01:30 GMT -5
No New Posts State Prison - 1 Viewing

If convicted of a serious crime this will be your home for the years of your sentence. Its a fairly large prison with little room for rule breakers. There are ways around everything of course and nothing is impossible. If you think you really need something try to brig a guard, you might end up lucky.

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General Facilities
The local police station is located here next to the State Correction Center, better known as the 'prison'. If you are caught doing anything illegal after the age of 18 you will be taken here to await punishment. If you are convicted of a serious crime or violation you will either be placed in the jail or moved to the prison for the duration of your sentence.
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